at long last!! This is for the NZ Dares challenge. I did have several different ideas for this weeks challenge of using numbers on a page but ended up doing this one as I didn't have photos for any of my other ideas. you have to work with what you've got! It is okay, at the photos are now scrapped but it is lacking something down the bottom where the tags are.I was in such a rush to take the photo I didn't even clean up around it and you can see my rubbish! Sorry about that.

Our American night was good, I did American hot dogs and apple pie, we also had pork ribs, corn on the cob with salsa plus sour cream and of course Amelia's lovely brownie!
Isobel picked out our next nights choice and she pulled out Indian, us adults were hoping she would pull out adults night where we get to go out without the kids for dinner. So we still have that to look forward to. Of course the boys were saying that we can just cheat and order takeaway Indian but we haven't set a date so we will have to wait and see on that one.
well better go and sort tonight's tea out! Take care all. Talk to you later.
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