well I was going to blog last Thursday that I had a wedding on Friday that I wasn't that excited about going to but it turned out to really good. The weather was beautiful as was the setting and everyone was really nice. we ended up out until about 2am I think, I was so darn tired on Saturday everyone (Justin and Justin B) kept telling me I looked tired or I think they were trying to wind me up by saying I was hung over but i wasn't. I do admit to not feeling to well on the trip home from akaroa but that was about all. try this link if you want to look at the photos http://http://s102.photobucket.com/albums/m120/justover/cozandtiff/ here is one of the setting before hand, just to tempt you.

what else has been happening not alot really just working and doing house stuff. I am having a house warming even though the landscaping is not done. If we don't do it now we will never have one it will be like some other things we just haven't done won't it??? so I finally sent some invites out last night and this morning at work was having a little worry inside my head (if you know what I mean) that i have no idea what I am doing and am just not organised and maybe Justin is right. He of course isn't keen on the whole idea but we have a nice house and I want everyone to see. Plus he said when we have our new house we can have people over so that's what I am doing.
Laura hasn't been well this week but she went back to school yesterday and dance, she isn't enjoying it as much but I think that has something to do with the new teacher. Laura thinks she doesn't like her I think its more that she probably doesn't get that extra bit of help that she might need to actually get the move right. So we will see how it goes, hopefully it will be alright. luckily she has her Thursday class with a different teacher so that is all good.
Alexander well hard to tell he seems okay although he says he doesn't like school yet will be excited to tell you about something he did. He went to rugby yesterday for the first time. Justin took him as I was at dance with Laura after next week hopefully his training will be on Tuesday. Justin said the coach is nice and strict and doesn't like cry babies and wants parents to praise for good tackles not tries otherwise the kids just hog the ball or something along those lines. Alexander told me about the praise bit but not the crying bit! He used to cry if he got hurt at soccer so we are a little concerned but he is a tough little thing, I'm sure he will be fine. will keep you updated on how that goes.
Okay I had better go as I need to get some other things done before i go to work. Take care. talk to you all soon.
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