Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Geraldine was nice, busy as the arts and plants festival was on. so when we drove down the main street on Friday it was abit of a surprise, unfornately I didn't get to go down and have a look though. Amelia and Glen were already there when we arrived and had almost set their tent up! Laura was like their tent is really big, well it was compared to ours I guess but they do have 2 extra kids so it has to be. The weather was pretty gray all day on Friday, not to cold though well not until later. Alexander was a bit of a grump on Friday, not to sure what his problem was, but I wasn't impressed with his behaviour, thankfully it was better on Saturday. Saturday was a beautiful sunny and warm day, and as you are when your camping we were up nice and early! We headed across to the domain as there was a market there all day so we did that first thing, of course the boys and kids were bored. Amelia and I headed over to the book sale and managed to grab ourselves a few baragins, well I had to borrow some money as I left my purse at home. After lunch we walked over to the river behind the pub, those were the directions the guys got from the camp owners, she called it a creek. It was fine for all the kids to cool down in and Chloe was in her element as she had a heap of stones to play with! Amelia and Glen went and visited her anuty and we played skipbo and whizz! aren't BBQ great espcially when camping, hamburgers for tea, yummy. we played cards once the kids were in bed! I scored the most, go me! Actually I got last, Justin won! We were silly enough to leave the scores out and the kids in the morning all saw so we were again reminded who won! I heard one of Amelia's kids yell out in the middle of the night that they didn't feel well, I didn't realise that they actually threw up. Luckily we were going home, she was fine in the morning but the mess and smell wasn't appearntly! we came straight home once we were packed up, we had to be out of the camping ground by 10am, which I thought was a bit strange but oh well. Amelia and family took the scenic route home and stopped for a picnic, not us, mine were too keen to get home to the computers. It was a lovely day too. we did get some washing done ready for Monday.
That was pretty much our weekend. You would think that since I am on hoilday this week you would have had this update eariler but no. Will post what I have been up to this week so far tomorrow. Take care till then.

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