is our house now. yeah sorry got a little busy to carry on the countdown. I have wanted to post(I even thought about what to say while laying in bed at night) but well my computer was not put up until now, of course Justin had his up and running but not mine, he only just got around to it tonight and as it was I had to come and check up on him as he was busy playing on his again!!!
So I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas, ours was okay, Santa was very nice to the kids. Alexander got a bike with gears(which is what he asked for)and Laura got Buzz the PlayStation game. we even managed to get a tree up as well even if it was a little crooked. I love it how excited and happy the kids are the night before Christmas its just so darn cute. we didn't think we were going to get the tree up so the kids were busy drawing pictures of Christmas trees to put out beside the Santa's drink and the reindeer's carrots! Alexander cut some up for them and rudoplh got the longest one.
Boxing Day was pretty quite the kids went with my Mum and Dad to my cousins and we went shopping and spent more money for things for the house, got a new microwave, some more towels, Laura a new duvet for her new bed (still needs a cover but I couldn't pick one without her there) a new toaster plus a few little bits and pieces. It is never ending, you would think we had everything since we had a house before but some stuff just needs to be new for the nice new house, like a new duvet cover for our bed which i finally got on our bed today and oh it looks 10 times better. Probably helps that I finally unpacked my clothes and tidy ed our room. I will upload photos tomorrow. Till then take care. Fiona
Friday, December 28, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
One Week!!!!!
to go until our house is finished and handed over to us. It is all going well I think, have been to busy to notice and well I had a little melt down over it all in the middle of the week, dam thing eats money. Nothing to worry about according to Justin, I don't think it helped that I heard him telling someone else about it over the phone, that really annoys me, appearntly all just happened as I walked in the door.
Off to Auckland for the Justin's work dinner, have been rushing around this morning helping Mum with her housecleaning, getting stuff that Laura needs for her Dance concert on Sunday and getting ready to go.My hair cut has grown abit but still doesn't really do alot, so annoying. Was about to sit down and do my nails but can't find a nail file so thought I'd give you all an update instead.
Off to Auckland for the Justin's work dinner, have been rushing around this morning helping Mum with her housecleaning, getting stuff that Laura needs for her Dance concert on Sunday and getting ready to go.My hair cut has grown abit but still doesn't really do alot, so annoying. Was about to sit down and do my nails but can't find a nail file so thought I'd give you all an update instead.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
days to go and we are nowhere near organised to move. In fact its all abit of shambles really, I just don't have any time or enthusiam for it at the moment, not to mention I haven't done any Christmas shopping, well I did go yesterday with Grandma but didn't buy anything. Justin and I are up to Auckland on Friday for the night for his work party, Laura has her dance concert on Sunday and practices all next week (and last) so its been all go. Thursday was a long day for me as I was on my feet from 3:30am to 10:30pm as I had both my jobs to go to and I helped Mum do her house cleaning jobs since she has a broken arm and is abit slower. Justin was away at the beginning of the week to. The house is appearntly looking good, Justin's Mum had a look thru on her way in yesterday.
ok that's all I have time for. Hope everyone esle is having a better day.
ok that's all I have time for. Hope everyone esle is having a better day.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
days to go until our house is ready!!!! We got to go thru on Friday as it has been locked up since they put the garage door on. The kitchen which was suppose to be going in on Monday was finally being put in when we were there and the thing looked good, so good to see it all coming together. The handles on the cupboard doors that i picked all by myself looked good too! Justin's Mum was there of course and she was really excited, my Mum happened to be there to but she didn't keep asking if I was excited! I think everyone is now just at the point where we just want to be in. It is pretty much all go from here on in, the tiler was suppose to be there this week. We are still trying to finalize the driveway and patio area, which is the week after I think. I tell you its all go.
In other news:
* well my team leader(manager) told us this morning that her last day at our store will be on Sunday. We were all pretty shocked and a few of us upset, it's not normally so fast, she is moving to the Ashburton store.
* Laura is growing up, she went to her friends on Saturday night and then on Sunday they caught the bus to the mall and by the sounds of it spent most of the afternoon shopping(or looking as Laura didn't buy anything)she didn't get home till Sunday evening! Oh so cute and scary at the same time.
* Christmas isn't that far away and I haven't done anything Christmassy, except singing along with the carols at work! We had the whole Christmas tree discussion for our new house. We have always had a real one but Justin said it would be to messy on our new carpet! This is from the one who always wanted a real one. then there was what colour fake one would we buy, personally I'm not even sure if we will have time for any sort of tree.
* and I can't remember what else I was going to say so that's all folks
In other news:
* well my team leader(manager) told us this morning that her last day at our store will be on Sunday. We were all pretty shocked and a few of us upset, it's not normally so fast, she is moving to the Ashburton store.
* Laura is growing up, she went to her friends on Saturday night and then on Sunday they caught the bus to the mall and by the sounds of it spent most of the afternoon shopping(or looking as Laura didn't buy anything)she didn't get home till Sunday evening! Oh so cute and scary at the same time.
* Christmas isn't that far away and I haven't done anything Christmassy, except singing along with the carols at work! We had the whole Christmas tree discussion for our new house. We have always had a real one but Justin said it would be to messy on our new carpet! This is from the one who always wanted a real one. then there was what colour fake one would we buy, personally I'm not even sure if we will have time for any sort of tree.
* and I can't remember what else I was going to say so that's all folks
Friday, November 23, 2007
Okay here goes
Monday :- made 5 cards
payed some overdue bills
baked some yummy scrolls
enjoyed seeing the sunshine all day!!
Tuesday :- drove out to Rolleston to meet the guy who was measuring the
windows for Venetians.
handed in the kids enrolment forms at the school while I was out there
talked to my best friend on skype after spending 10 minutes
working the sound and camera we had a great old chat. isn't
skype the coolest thing? what happened to that cuppa you were
making Colin? Enjoyed another summer's day!!
Wednesday :- went and choose the handles for the cupboards and drawers in
in our new kitchen. what a mission for miss indecisive here,
but I did it. Lets hope they look good!
Met my friend Susan for lunch, she always picks somewhere cool
to go. we went to this place by the beach, which had a cool
little play area for kids. Jack played in there for a little
bit, when the other kids weren't in there.
weather has been fantastic enjoyed a wine outside at our table
with dinner.
Thursday :- Alexander stayed home sick, and he had asleep in the morning.
In the middle of baking Mum's birthday cake when the phone rings
it is Mum. she had a fall and had hurt her wrist, could I come
and get her, so took her the medical clinic and she has broke a
bone in her wrist and it is now in plaster.
Two sicklings home now, although after finally having some food
Alexander seemed to feel abit better. finsihed baking the cake.
started the dough for our homemade pizza tonight
took Laura to dance. Iced the cake.
Did I mention the lovely sunny day, a slight breeze today but still good.
Friday :- Made Mum pancakes for her birthday with fresh fruit and maple syrup
dropped Alexander off at school and had Mum to take back so they could
check her plaster but we had to stop on the way for her to be sick!
again on the way home!
Just watered the peas, put a load of washing on to dry in yet another
glorious day!
that has pretty much been my week off. Okay tried to upload a photo but kept getting error will try later. Have a great day.
Monday :- made 5 cards
payed some overdue bills
baked some yummy scrolls
enjoyed seeing the sunshine all day!!
Tuesday :- drove out to Rolleston to meet the guy who was measuring the
windows for Venetians.
handed in the kids enrolment forms at the school while I was out there
talked to my best friend on skype after spending 10 minutes
working the sound and camera we had a great old chat. isn't
skype the coolest thing? what happened to that cuppa you were
making Colin? Enjoyed another summer's day!!
Wednesday :- went and choose the handles for the cupboards and drawers in
in our new kitchen. what a mission for miss indecisive here,
but I did it. Lets hope they look good!
Met my friend Susan for lunch, she always picks somewhere cool
to go. we went to this place by the beach, which had a cool
little play area for kids. Jack played in there for a little
bit, when the other kids weren't in there.
weather has been fantastic enjoyed a wine outside at our table
with dinner.
Thursday :- Alexander stayed home sick, and he had asleep in the morning.
In the middle of baking Mum's birthday cake when the phone rings
it is Mum. she had a fall and had hurt her wrist, could I come
and get her, so took her the medical clinic and she has broke a
bone in her wrist and it is now in plaster.
Two sicklings home now, although after finally having some food
Alexander seemed to feel abit better. finsihed baking the cake.
started the dough for our homemade pizza tonight
took Laura to dance. Iced the cake.
Did I mention the lovely sunny day, a slight breeze today but still good.
Friday :- Made Mum pancakes for her birthday with fresh fruit and maple syrup
dropped Alexander off at school and had Mum to take back so they could
check her plaster but we had to stop on the way for her to be sick!
again on the way home!
Just watered the peas, put a load of washing on to dry in yet another
glorious day!
that has pretty much been my week off. Okay tried to upload a photo but kept getting error will try later. Have a great day.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Geraldine was nice, busy as the arts and plants festival was on. so when we drove down the main street on Friday it was abit of a surprise, unfornately I didn't get to go down and have a look though. Amelia and Glen were already there when we arrived and had almost set their tent up! Laura was like their tent is really big, well it was compared to ours I guess but they do have 2 extra kids so it has to be. The weather was pretty gray all day on Friday, not to cold though well not until later. Alexander was a bit of a grump on Friday, not to sure what his problem was, but I wasn't impressed with his behaviour, thankfully it was better on Saturday. Saturday was a beautiful sunny and warm day, and as you are when your camping we were up nice and early! We headed across to the domain as there was a market there all day so we did that first thing, of course the boys and kids were bored. Amelia and I headed over to the book sale and managed to grab ourselves a few baragins, well I had to borrow some money as I left my purse at home. After lunch we walked over to the river behind the pub, those were the directions the guys got from the camp owners, she called it a creek. It was fine for all the kids to cool down in and Chloe was in her element as she had a heap of stones to play with! Amelia and Glen went and visited her anuty and we played skipbo and whizz! aren't BBQ great espcially when camping, hamburgers for tea, yummy. we played cards once the kids were in bed! I scored the most, go me! Actually I got last, Justin won! We were silly enough to leave the scores out and the kids in the morning all saw so we were again reminded who won! I heard one of Amelia's kids yell out in the middle of the night that they didn't feel well, I didn't realise that they actually threw up. Luckily we were going home, she was fine in the morning but the mess and smell wasn't appearntly! we came straight home once we were packed up, we had to be out of the camping ground by 10am, which I thought was a bit strange but oh well. Amelia and family took the scenic route home and stopped for a picnic, not us, mine were too keen to get home to the computers. It was a lovely day too. we did get some washing done ready for Monday.
That was pretty much our weekend. You would think that since I am on hoilday this week you would have had this update eariler but no. Will post what I have been up to this week so far tomorrow. Take care till then.
That was pretty much our weekend. You would think that since I am on hoilday this week you would have had this update eariler but no. Will post what I have been up to this week so far tomorrow. Take care till then.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
now its 5
weeks to go until our house is suppose to be ready!!! I need one of those cool count down thingees that you can get but can't be bothered looking.Maybe if I get time next week I might since I am on hoilday. Tomorrow is Show Day otherwise known as Canterbury Anniversary Day and I have the whole weekend off! Actually I have a whole week off but tomorrow we are off to Geradine for the weekend. We are going camping with my cousin Amelia and her family. Laura keeps telling me she is excited which is so lovely, I am looking forward to it too. Laura is certainly growing up, just in a few of the things that she has been doing lately you can notice it (like packing to go camping we need everything in her wardrobe)and although its a scary thought it is also lovely and funny!!! Alexander hasn't really said if he is excited about going away and of course his packing was in true male form, 2minutes and it was done. I was talking to his teacher today, she was talking about classes for next year and I had to tell her that sounds great but he won't be here next year. It did remind me to let the office know that he won't be back next year and ring Rolleston school. So one thing off my list to do.
On another note does anyone have any good ideas for something cool and practical to give to teachers? Alexander's teacher is so lovely and she has really helped him this year that I would like to give her something nice at the end of the year.
Here's hoping for good weather and I will catch you all on Monday have a great weekend.
On another note does anyone have any good ideas for something cool and practical to give to teachers? Alexander's teacher is so lovely and she has really helped him this year that I would like to give her something nice at the end of the year.
Here's hoping for good weather and I will catch you all on Monday have a great weekend.
Friday, November 9, 2007
6 weeks to go
the countdown is on to we are in our own house. I am looking forward to being in but at the moment its a case of more money here for this and that. I don't deal well that I guess thats why Justin deals with it mostly, he tries to sheild me a bit. Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it as it sounds much better than he doesn't tell me anything!
we have been getting quotes for the window coverings and leveling of the site this week. We tried to look at some furniture last weekend but Alexander was all I'm bored can we go home. Laura was at dance so she wasn't there to keep him company either. We did see a nice table and chairs and leather lounge suite but they also had lovely price tags, although Justin thought they weren't to bad really. So we will have to have another look around sometime without children. got some books out from the libaray about decks. Still not sure what we are doing there, deck or paved(concrete) area.
Had Cardholders day at work yesterday, our store had a Christmas theme, I didn't really organise anything to wear. I saw these cute little elf costumes at the warehouse but they were only kids ones and as much as I wanted one they were way to small, no I didn't try one you could tell by holding it up to me! Then Mum said she had some Christmas aprons and I thought yeah that would be cool but I couldn't find them, then I was gonna decorate the green robe I used for Princess Fiona and go as a Christmas tree but i couldn't be bothered and it wouldn't be practical to work in really. So I just wore a green tshirt and some tinsel my jinglely hairties as bracelets and a santa hat and earrings. We were really busy even up till 10 when I left the place was a mess. Juliet had another hour on her own, I hope it quietened down!
That is pretty much my week really. Not sure what is planned for the weekend.What are you all up to? Well I hope you have a good one. take care.
we have been getting quotes for the window coverings and leveling of the site this week. We tried to look at some furniture last weekend but Alexander was all I'm bored can we go home. Laura was at dance so she wasn't there to keep him company either. We did see a nice table and chairs and leather lounge suite but they also had lovely price tags, although Justin thought they weren't to bad really. So we will have to have another look around sometime without children. got some books out from the libaray about decks. Still not sure what we are doing there, deck or paved(concrete) area.
Had Cardholders day at work yesterday, our store had a Christmas theme, I didn't really organise anything to wear. I saw these cute little elf costumes at the warehouse but they were only kids ones and as much as I wanted one they were way to small, no I didn't try one you could tell by holding it up to me! Then Mum said she had some Christmas aprons and I thought yeah that would be cool but I couldn't find them, then I was gonna decorate the green robe I used for Princess Fiona and go as a Christmas tree but i couldn't be bothered and it wouldn't be practical to work in really. So I just wore a green tshirt and some tinsel my jinglely hairties as bracelets and a santa hat and earrings. We were really busy even up till 10 when I left the place was a mess. Juliet had another hour on her own, I hope it quietened down!
That is pretty much my week really. Not sure what is planned for the weekend.What are you all up to? Well I hope you have a good one. take care.
Friday, November 2, 2007

I finally managed to do another NZDare. I haven't done one for awhile, just seem to by busy,doing what other than working I'm not sure it certainly isn't scrapping as this is also the first page I've done for about a month!! I make such a mess when I scrap too, my area was all clean when I started but by the time I finished I had all my bits and pieces everywhere. For those that don't know what NZDares is look here
. I haven't posted over there yet but I will do that next.
House update, well not really sure although Justin's Mum did say it looks so different with walls, so I guess that means they are done. We had our appointment with the interior designer last Saturday and got the colours sorted for the walls so that was quite exciting. I asked her about curtains/blinds and she said that she actually does them and could do that if we wanted as well. she gave us a rough guide of what sort of money we would be looking at, lets just say I knew it would be heaps but not that much. I am of course looking around at other options as not everyone has a spare 8 grand lying around do they.
Well I hope everyone is ok, I haven't heard from a few of you in awhile, although I haven't been checking skype that much lately either. Hope you all have a great weekend and catch up with you later.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Two lovely days in a row and I get to see them. Laura is home sick again today.I at least get to see the nice weather, when I am at work I have no idea what the weather is doing unless the customers tell you or until you finish and lately the weather has changed by the afternoon. I ate lunch outside at my cool new table and chairs and we had bbq hamburgers for tea last night and used our table again. I love summer!!!
Hey all you cool bloggers out there how do I make cool headers like you all have on your pages with photos of either your family or cool stuff you have made?? I would love to update mine just not sure how.
House progress, we rang Justin's parents last night to see if they had finally finished the bricks and yes they had so that is good news as it was holding everything else up. They had appearntly started the gibbing the ceiling too. I heard Justin telling someone on the phone that they are hoping we will be able to move in on December 21st if all goes well. Justin doesn't want to get his hopes up so isn't saying we will be for sure but all I can say is we better be able to!!!! I will not be happy if we aren't able to move until next year!
On Saturday I got my hair cut and I got abit more than my normal trim, I got Amelia to bring her hair straightners over on Saturday night but it still didn't look that great, although it took forever to straighten, we told Justin it wouldn't take so long with decent straighteners!! I am still not sure I like it yet, and I don't have straighteners and not sure I can be bothered doing that all the time. Mum and Dad said it looks fine and it makes me look younger. That is all good but it doesn't make me like any more. Laura commented that it looks darker and I think that is because my blond bits at the side were cut. It will grow back I guess.
Okay so that is all for today, talk to you later.
Hey all you cool bloggers out there how do I make cool headers like you all have on your pages with photos of either your family or cool stuff you have made?? I would love to update mine just not sure how.
House progress, we rang Justin's parents last night to see if they had finally finished the bricks and yes they had so that is good news as it was holding everything else up. They had appearntly started the gibbing the ceiling too. I heard Justin telling someone on the phone that they are hoping we will be able to move in on December 21st if all goes well. Justin doesn't want to get his hopes up so isn't saying we will be for sure but all I can say is we better be able to!!!! I will not be happy if we aren't able to move until next year!
On Saturday I got my hair cut and I got abit more than my normal trim, I got Amelia to bring her hair straightners over on Saturday night but it still didn't look that great, although it took forever to straighten, we told Justin it wouldn't take so long with decent straighteners!! I am still not sure I like it yet, and I don't have straighteners and not sure I can be bothered doing that all the time. Mum and Dad said it looks fine and it makes me look younger. That is all good but it doesn't make me like any more. Laura commented that it looks darker and I think that is because my blond bits at the side were cut. It will grow back I guess.
Okay so that is all for today, talk to you later.
Friday, October 26, 2007
The house is coming along nicely now, we went out last weekend and were there all day, it was fine although a little windy but I think it was like that in town too. Justin and his two friends helped him do all the wiring for the home theatre/ computers. I really don't know what exactly all I do know is that when we left on Saturday our house had a rainbow of wires inside it and that is cost more than I want to know about!(but cheaper that they did it themselves)
The bricks had been started they were up to out bedroom at the back of the house. The kids got a bit bored out there all day but I was busy reading as Laura has the last Harry Potter book out from the library and since she is reading it herself this time I have to read it myself and was trying to finish it, so I was quite engrossed in that. I did take them for a walk to the park or they took me as I didn't know where it was, they wanted to take the car but I refused and it wasn't that far away as we had driven around that way when we went to the supermarket for lunch and took the wrong turn so we didn't actually pass the park on the way. It was lovely sitting in the sun and no banging around. A little boy came to the park and he had this quite cool toy, it was like a foam rocket and you attach it to a spike which has a hose connected to it and that is connected to another piece which you jump on and of course the foam dart flies up. I saw him do it first and it nearly landed in a tree so he moved it over more and that is when Alexander saw it and he goes to me hey did you see that? It was quite funny because he stood there for about 5 minutes watching the other little boy play with it, you could see he was dying to go and have a go too, and the little boy kept moving closer to where Alexander was as well. Eventually Alexander ran and picked up the dart and put it back on for him a few times and then they started talking and eventually Alexander got to have a go. It was so cute to watch though. The other little boy just lived across the road and was only 6 but Alexander didn't manage to get a name when they where talking!! Funny.
i miss moments like that, as sometimes I feel like I hardly see the kids anymore, I do but what with working and them growing up and not wanting to hang out with Mum as much, as the computer is way more fun, it just seems like it sometimes.
Okay what else? Oh the Justin's Mum rang to say the batts are in the house and they hung some internal doors as well, so I rang the interior designer to see what colour the walls are being painted, so we are meeting with her on Saturday morning at 9am, so no sleep in then either. We have our dinner this weekend and this months theme is ......English or UK I'm not sure exactly but I got a London food book out and it is all pretty easy I am doing trifle for pudding not sure what for the main, I think I will ring Amelia and see what she is doing first. I also need to go and make my Dad a birthday card so I had better go and do that, I think I might use my new stamp I got from Senz. Oh and I need to check on two other birthdays and hopefully I havent' missed them. Okay well hope everyone is well, love to hear from you and if your still reading this, extra points for you!!!!LOL
The bricks had been started they were up to out bedroom at the back of the house. The kids got a bit bored out there all day but I was busy reading as Laura has the last Harry Potter book out from the library and since she is reading it herself this time I have to read it myself and was trying to finish it, so I was quite engrossed in that. I did take them for a walk to the park or they took me as I didn't know where it was, they wanted to take the car but I refused and it wasn't that far away as we had driven around that way when we went to the supermarket for lunch and took the wrong turn so we didn't actually pass the park on the way. It was lovely sitting in the sun and no banging around. A little boy came to the park and he had this quite cool toy, it was like a foam rocket and you attach it to a spike which has a hose connected to it and that is connected to another piece which you jump on and of course the foam dart flies up. I saw him do it first and it nearly landed in a tree so he moved it over more and that is when Alexander saw it and he goes to me hey did you see that? It was quite funny because he stood there for about 5 minutes watching the other little boy play with it, you could see he was dying to go and have a go too, and the little boy kept moving closer to where Alexander was as well. Eventually Alexander ran and picked up the dart and put it back on for him a few times and then they started talking and eventually Alexander got to have a go. It was so cute to watch though. The other little boy just lived across the road and was only 6 but Alexander didn't manage to get a name when they where talking!! Funny.
i miss moments like that, as sometimes I feel like I hardly see the kids anymore, I do but what with working and them growing up and not wanting to hang out with Mum as much, as the computer is way more fun, it just seems like it sometimes.
Okay what else? Oh the Justin's Mum rang to say the batts are in the house and they hung some internal doors as well, so I rang the interior designer to see what colour the walls are being painted, so we are meeting with her on Saturday morning at 9am, so no sleep in then either. We have our dinner this weekend and this months theme is ......English or UK I'm not sure exactly but I got a London food book out and it is all pretty easy I am doing trifle for pudding not sure what for the main, I think I will ring Amelia and see what she is doing first. I also need to go and make my Dad a birthday card so I had better go and do that, I think I might use my new stamp I got from Senz. Oh and I need to check on two other birthdays and hopefully I havent' missed them. Okay well hope everyone is well, love to hear from you and if your still reading this, extra points for you!!!!LOL
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Okay well I have had it a week now, so let me tell you all that on Tuesday night we were heading out to Rolleston to see where the electrican was putting all the power points and Justin stopped to look at a car yard that he'd seen a car at but they had sold that particular one but had another which we ended up taking for a test drive, not a very big drive as it was pretty much on empty. So we get back and Justin says what do you think?? I'm like I don't know as he's the one been looking at them all so he should know if its a good deal or not. So he decides that yes we'll take it, hey if its not right just sell it!! I'm like oh my goodness I can't believe we're just going to buy another car. I know we need one and have been looking but it just seemed so sudden. the kids and I sat in the car while Justin did all the paper work. we arranged to pick it up on Thursday morning since I don't start work till 12. so we head along on thursday and turns out we are a tad early as Justin forgot he said 9:30 not 9. It is now all registered and ours or mine!!! so I am now the proud owner of a Toyota Starlet 1989 automatic. Okay it won't let me upload a photo at the moment, so you will have to wait.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
lets see, what's been happening? been busy at work, with pallets and pallets of toys to get out and then last Thursday they had a big four day sale so no time to get any toys out! I did manage to get a outdoor table for cheap as it had been returned as it has a small crack in the corner and a few scratches on it. i rang good old dad and he came down and picked it up. we did all stand there for about 5 minutes deciding how to get it on the trailer as it is slightly bigger than the trailer but we figured it out and it arrived home in one piece.( it has a glass top so I was a little worried) So I was pretty happy.
The weekend was okay, didn't really do much, had a look at a few more cars, tried to get Laura some new t shirts and shorts but she didn't like anything and really wasn't in the mood. Oh and on Friday I booked in for two classes at Senz - the stamping and scrap booking expo that is here on the weekend. I am doing a photography course and recipe book one. hopefully they will be good, they better it's not exactly cheap and I have to pay to get in to look at all the stalls as well. Unfortunately the classes aren't on the same day either. Oh well its not like I get to go to any of the other cool scrapping events this year. I asked Justin and he said just do it and Laura chipped in its just money!! LOL
The quarter finals of the rugby world cup were on, and lets just say the All Blacks and the rest of New Zealand are gutted at the loss. Enough said on that matter.
Well just thought I would give you a quick update, tune in tomorrow for some more news!!!!
The weekend was okay, didn't really do much, had a look at a few more cars, tried to get Laura some new t shirts and shorts but she didn't like anything and really wasn't in the mood. Oh and on Friday I booked in for two classes at Senz - the stamping and scrap booking expo that is here on the weekend. I am doing a photography course and recipe book one. hopefully they will be good, they better it's not exactly cheap and I have to pay to get in to look at all the stalls as well. Unfortunately the classes aren't on the same day either. Oh well its not like I get to go to any of the other cool scrapping events this year. I asked Justin and he said just do it and Laura chipped in its just money!! LOL
The quarter finals of the rugby world cup were on, and lets just say the All Blacks and the rest of New Zealand are gutted at the loss. Enough said on that matter.
Well just thought I would give you a quick update, tune in tomorrow for some more news!!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007

this is the cake my cousin made for her Mum's birthday, she is just so talented. That is just one of the many things she can do, she is not only a fantastic cake decorator, she bakes, she sews, she paints, she scrapbooks, takes great photos, her kids always look wonderful, she can speak another language, she decorates her house just beautifully, you name it she can do it. Everyone admires her talent and I am sure she gets sick of having such high expectations set on her but she is a perfectionist so maybe not but just thought I would tell the world how wonderful my cousin Amelia really is. so that is my little tribute to you. (not that she will read this as I haven't told her about my blog yet!!!)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Here are some more photos of the house. Took these on Saturday morning when we went out to have a look. It seems quite dark inside now. we got our windows with a tint so it blocks abit of light as well.I'm sure once we get lighting and it all finished it will be different again. Feels good to see some progress, it is such a long process when building a new house!! They still reckon we are on track to be in before Christmas. For those that asked it is a four bedroom house although the fourth will be used as a computer/hobby room. If we get any guests well we don't really but if we do I think it'll be easier just to put the kids in the same room!! They are so looking forward to having there own rooms again, especially Laura.
Had my Aunty Marie's 60th birthday on Saturday night, I took my new camera and took a heap of photos. I will have to upload one of the cake Amelia made, I will do that tomorrow. We are going to take Alexander out to Grandma's tonight as he has no holiday programme tomorrow. I will be glad when school goes back, less hassle for me. The kids are enjoying there programmes, who wouldn't Laura has been ten-pin bowling, hydro sliding and hip-hop(aerobics according to Laura) and tomorrow is off mini golfing. Her programme is better than Alexander's he has been to the movies, gymnastics, games, art, museum, more games, swimming and on Friday he is off to willow bank (animal park). beats staying at home with Mum doing nothing, or going to work!! I do miss spending time with them though. Hopefully I will get some time off in January. Okay I have rambled enough today. Take care
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
guess what???
You know how I have been having car trouble, with my Dad's car no less. Well on Friday it was smoking/steaming at both ends, so on Saturday Justin, the kids and I went to look at cars just to get an idea of the price and what I like etc. Well the kids were totally bored as you would expect so after a few car yards we went and had lunch at Costa's, according to Justin they make the best Slovaki. That was a bit of a treat for the kids, we weren't sure if they would eat it all but Laura ate all hers and Alexander didn't which is the complete opposite of what you would expect!! Anyway I digress, after we finished Justin said lets just have a look in here. 20 minutes later we are walking out the store with a brand new digital camera!!!!!! woohoo. We are the proud new owners of a Canon EOS 400D(Rebel xti)

I have been keeping an eye on them for a while and they had it cheaper than I had seen anywhere and apparently only had one left. Of course by the time you add in the bag to carry it and the card etc it all added up but we still got a good deal I think. Now I just have to figure out how to use it!!! I did sit down and read the instruction book but it kinda went in and then out again. I haven't really had a good chance to have a play either.
School holidays at the moment and we are busy at work with a toy sale and crappy weather, plus I have been running late the last two mornings with getting the kids to holiday programmes. well one actually as I made a bit of an error with Laura's who is now at Grandma's for a couple of days!! Justin is away down south for the week so I have had the car as he gets to hire a rental and fly back from Invercargill. No scrapping this week and probably won't as I have to clean up my mess as my Uncle is coming to stay this weekend as it is my Auntie's 60th birthday party. So I am off to ring my cousin Amelia to see what she needs me to do. Take care

I have been keeping an eye on them for a while and they had it cheaper than I had seen anywhere and apparently only had one left. Of course by the time you add in the bag to carry it and the card etc it all added up but we still got a good deal I think. Now I just have to figure out how to use it!!! I did sit down and read the instruction book but it kinda went in and then out again. I haven't really had a good chance to have a play either.
School holidays at the moment and we are busy at work with a toy sale and crappy weather, plus I have been running late the last two mornings with getting the kids to holiday programmes. well one actually as I made a bit of an error with Laura's who is now at Grandma's for a couple of days!! Justin is away down south for the week so I have had the car as he gets to hire a rental and fly back from Invercargill. No scrapping this week and probably won't as I have to clean up my mess as my Uncle is coming to stay this weekend as it is my Auntie's 60th birthday party. So I am off to ring my cousin Amelia to see what she needs me to do. Take care
Friday, September 21, 2007
two weeks
since I last posted!! Opps. I have just spent the morning cleaning my room, refolding and putting away all my clothes really, so I can find things. I love it when its all tidy, just not to good at keeping it that way.LOL
Wroked late last night as it was Cardholders at work, our theme was All Black and I borrowed mum's jersey and Dad's rugger shorts (which I did a qick seam on each side so they weren't so baggy) and put black socks on with some tape around them to look like rugby socks, I even had a bandage around my leg (mainly to hide my horrible veins) a few of the comments from my work collegues were, don't you look cute as a button, you look like a real rugby player, oh look its spnky Ritchie McCaw!! And guess what I have no photos to prove any of this. I was a little disappointed as normally everyone gets right into it and they go around and take photos of all the staff, but not this time. Oh well still good fun.
Have finished both the last two challenges in the Scrapbook Essential challenge, they're not fantastic but the last one was completed in an afternoon. Which for me is something to write about, as I am not the best at deciding on things.
Haven't really heard anything more about the house, we did go and see it last weekend and the roof is all on.
Oh last weekend we had our dinner and we did Portgual food, it was nice, of course everything Amelia made was lovely. After dinner the kids played eye toy and we played cards. we played 7s and then phase 10. It was good old fashioned fun. I think the boys had fun as appearntly last time they were abit bored! Then we watched the rugby game (All Black Vs Portugal).
Laura had her ski trip yesterday as it was postphoned the week before. She said it was fun. I sent a camera along with her and she said she took a couple of them but not of them actually skiing. Don't you wish you could be at two places at one time. I hate missing out on seeing things the kids are up to.
Basically that is about all we have been up to.
Take care and I will try to update more reguarly.
Wroked late last night as it was Cardholders at work, our theme was All Black and I borrowed mum's jersey and Dad's rugger shorts (which I did a qick seam on each side so they weren't so baggy) and put black socks on with some tape around them to look like rugby socks, I even had a bandage around my leg (mainly to hide my horrible veins) a few of the comments from my work collegues were, don't you look cute as a button, you look like a real rugby player, oh look its spnky Ritchie McCaw!! And guess what I have no photos to prove any of this. I was a little disappointed as normally everyone gets right into it and they go around and take photos of all the staff, but not this time. Oh well still good fun.
Have finished both the last two challenges in the Scrapbook Essential challenge, they're not fantastic but the last one was completed in an afternoon. Which for me is something to write about, as I am not the best at deciding on things.
Haven't really heard anything more about the house, we did go and see it last weekend and the roof is all on.
Oh last weekend we had our dinner and we did Portgual food, it was nice, of course everything Amelia made was lovely. After dinner the kids played eye toy and we played cards. we played 7s and then phase 10. It was good old fashioned fun. I think the boys had fun as appearntly last time they were abit bored! Then we watched the rugby game (All Black Vs Portugal).
Laura had her ski trip yesterday as it was postphoned the week before. She said it was fun. I sent a camera along with her and she said she took a couple of them but not of them actually skiing. Don't you wish you could be at two places at one time. I hate missing out on seeing things the kids are up to.
Basically that is about all we have been up to.
Take care and I will try to update more reguarly.
Friday, September 7, 2007
September 7th
yes hard to believe we have had a week of September already. It's been a week since I updated and since Laura's birthday. She had a good time and got spoilt, it was quite funny we also got her an eye toy camera and game for her birthday but didn't give it to her until she went to bed on Friday night, what with the family all over on Friday for tea and everything that's just the way it turned out but she was surprised and grateful which was lovely to see. Love the look of joy of her face.

I heard her the next day telling one of her friends that Mum was so mean(but said with love) cos I didn't give it to her until night. Funny!!
On Sunday my best friend Shelley rang from Scotland, which was a lovely suprise. It was so great to talk to her, I wish she wasn't so far away or that it didn't cost so much to go see her!!
Not much has been happening this week. Justin spent 3 days in bed due to having on of the many bugs going around. He said he felt like he'd been hit by a bus. He's all better now though, which is great.
Scrapbooking challenge this week was a double layout about a challenge of some sort. I found this rather difficult, not the double layout but the topic. I started with the idea of how we are always having to tidy up the kids room/mess but ended up doing it about how many times I have to tell them to do things. Not something I would have normally scrapped so it is quite good to have so the kids can remember that when they have kids!!LOL I am going to try and an a link to the page so you can view it.
There are some really good layouts in the gallery this week again.
Justin's Mum just texted me and they are at our house doing the roof today, were suppose to be there Tuesday but it rained until yesterday. I didn't get to go out and have a look last week as I was working but Alexander and Justin took some photos so will try to post those here too.
This is the front view from the street and here is the back view.

If this works I will be quite impressed with myself. Going to have leftovers for lunch now. Have a good week everyone.

I heard her the next day telling one of her friends that Mum was so mean(but said with love) cos I didn't give it to her until night. Funny!!
On Sunday my best friend Shelley rang from Scotland, which was a lovely suprise. It was so great to talk to her, I wish she wasn't so far away or that it didn't cost so much to go see her!!
Not much has been happening this week. Justin spent 3 days in bed due to having on of the many bugs going around. He said he felt like he'd been hit by a bus. He's all better now though, which is great.
Scrapbooking challenge this week was a double layout about a challenge of some sort. I found this rather difficult, not the double layout but the topic. I started with the idea of how we are always having to tidy up the kids room/mess but ended up doing it about how many times I have to tell them to do things. Not something I would have normally scrapped so it is quite good to have so the kids can remember that when they have kids!!LOL I am going to try and an a link to the page so you can view it.
There are some really good layouts in the gallery this week again.
Justin's Mum just texted me and they are at our house doing the roof today, were suppose to be there Tuesday but it rained until yesterday. I didn't get to go out and have a look last week as I was working but Alexander and Justin took some photos so will try to post those here too.
This is the front view from the street and here is the back view.
If this works I will be quite impressed with myself. Going to have leftovers for lunch now. Have a good week everyone.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Laura's Birthday
is today!! Hard to believe she is now 12!!!!! She is so lovely, I am so unorganised this year, stopped in on the way home from work this morning (thank goodness for 24hour supermarkets) and got some eggs and cream for the traditional pancakes and cream birthday breakfast. I wrapped her present yesterday so that was all ready. I got her some jeans and other pants that I got on special at work, she also got a Baby G watch which Justin was selling on Trademe. so I think she was pretty happy. My Mum got her some cool clothes from Urban Angel, so love that shop! Silly camera stopped again in the middle of taking photos,it did go again so I mangaged to get a few of her opening presents. We are having family over tonight for dinner (homemade pizza and chips from the fish&chip shop)So I have been busy cleaning up, and baking a banana cake as that is what Laura asked for and I took it out of the oven as the skewer came out clean and left it in the tin for abit and as I was transferring it to the cooling rack it went SPLAT! and I mean splat as it wasn't cooked properly. so I am now taking some time out on the computer. Laura didn't know what to do this year for her birthday and wasn't going to do anything but decided this week to have some friends over on Saturday. Don't know what they are going to do, they are a bit old for pass the parcel, I did suggest that they could have a games competition with singstar, twister and other board games. Not sure yet, I guess we will see how it goes.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Blog Design
I have been playing around with the design or template of my blog not sure I really like it soit may change yet.
Then I did this big post and when I went to post it, it came back with a error and my whole post was gone, what happened to saving automatically! I couldn't find it so who knows what happpened. I'm not that good with cyber stuff really. not sure i can be bothered rewriting what I did before though.
anyway on the weekend we went around to my cousin and good friend Amelia's for tea. We decided a couple of months ago to get together once a month and have dinner, but make someting from another country, first we did Italian and then Greek this month is was Chinese. I did have intentions of making something but come Saturday and Justin's previous comments about buying it as it would be easier and taste good. I decided to get takeaways so I rang Amelia to let her know and she said if we were then they would too. So we decided that the boys would cook and go and get chinese. It was really yummy too! I did make a Chinese fruit salad that had lychees in it but the kids got put off by someomes comment to watch out for the eyeballs. It was actually quite nice. amelia made caramlised mangos in brandy snap baskets with ice-cream. YUM!!
scrapbooking well I did manage to complete last weeks challenge of completiing a lyout without any photos. the idea came easy enough it is just getting it onto a page that I have trouble with. Not quite how I originally pictured it or thought but it is completed. This weeks challenge is to use balck and white photos, note the plural on photos. I don't really have any, am going to go and hunt for some when I get off here.
Other than that I have just been working, my post office job has moved out to the airport now so I have to get up 10 minutes earlier. Instead of taking me 8-10 to get into town I now have to drive 20 minutes to the other side of town. which isn't that much really in the big scheme of things but at the hour of day I have to get up? I choose to do it so I shouldn't complain, well I aren't really complaining just filling you all in.
So I hope you have all had a good week, not really sure who I am talking to here as no one knows I have a blog and I am quite happy about that because even though I read alot of blogs (see the links I put in at the side) I still find it weird someone would be reading mine!
Then I did this big post and when I went to post it, it came back with a error and my whole post was gone, what happened to saving automatically! I couldn't find it so who knows what happpened. I'm not that good with cyber stuff really. not sure i can be bothered rewriting what I did before though.
anyway on the weekend we went around to my cousin and good friend Amelia's for tea. We decided a couple of months ago to get together once a month and have dinner, but make someting from another country, first we did Italian and then Greek this month is was Chinese. I did have intentions of making something but come Saturday and Justin's previous comments about buying it as it would be easier and taste good. I decided to get takeaways so I rang Amelia to let her know and she said if we were then they would too. So we decided that the boys would cook and go and get chinese. It was really yummy too! I did make a Chinese fruit salad that had lychees in it but the kids got put off by someomes comment to watch out for the eyeballs. It was actually quite nice. amelia made caramlised mangos in brandy snap baskets with ice-cream. YUM!!
scrapbooking well I did manage to complete last weeks challenge of completiing a lyout without any photos. the idea came easy enough it is just getting it onto a page that I have trouble with. Not quite how I originally pictured it or thought but it is completed. This weeks challenge is to use balck and white photos, note the plural on photos. I don't really have any, am going to go and hunt for some when I get off here.
Other than that I have just been working, my post office job has moved out to the airport now so I have to get up 10 minutes earlier. Instead of taking me 8-10 to get into town I now have to drive 20 minutes to the other side of town. which isn't that much really in the big scheme of things but at the hour of day I have to get up? I choose to do it so I shouldn't complain, well I aren't really complaining just filling you all in.
So I hope you have all had a good week, not really sure who I am talking to here as no one knows I have a blog and I am quite happy about that because even though I read alot of blogs (see the links I put in at the side) I still find it weird someone would be reading mine!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Well its been a few days since I last blogged. Not alot has been happening, finished my layout for the Scrapbook Essentials Challenge, of course was still fiddling with it on the last day.
I have been good this morning and baked a cake and some cookies, cleaned up the house and done a load of washing before coming onto the computer.
I don't start work till after lunch time as its late night, actually its a cardholders day which means I have to work until 10pm. Oh well if its busy at least it'll keep me busy.
Had car issues the last two days. You see we currently only have one car but since we are living with my wonderful and generous parents, I have been borrowing one of their vehicles Dad has a little run around car and the last two mornings it has not wanted to go, Mum and I have even pushed the thing but no. Yet it will go for Dad when he takes it at 4am but I not at 6:40am. So the last two days Mum has dropped me off, yesterday at about 9am she dropped the keys to her car off at work for me to pick Alexander up from school and then get Laura from dance. Now somewhere in there I mis-heard the instructions of where she had parked it. So come time to get the car I don't see it and walk around looking for it, but didn't see it. Thinking someones taken or I have got the directions wrong and hoping its the later and that I see it soon on my walk around and feeling gutted that its not there. So Alexander and I walked home. The bonus is we both got some exercise and quality time together but not so good thing was it was a tad cold! Not raining though, or hailing or snowing, as Alexander and I looked at the up side of things. I really didn't feel like walking normally I don't mind, must've been tired. Anyway got home and tried Dads car and of course it went first pop. So after we went and got Laura we headed towards where I thought it was and guess what we saw, Mum's car on the main road. I can't believe I missed it. I was looking down a street but she had said its near that street. Relief that the car was there, annoyed that I didn't see it.
Well its been a few days since I last blogged. Not alot has been happening, finished my layout for the Scrapbook Essentials Challenge, of course was still fiddling with it on the last day.
I have been good this morning and baked a cake and some cookies, cleaned up the house and done a load of washing before coming onto the computer.
I don't start work till after lunch time as its late night, actually its a cardholders day which means I have to work until 10pm. Oh well if its busy at least it'll keep me busy.
Had car issues the last two days. You see we currently only have one car but since we are living with my wonderful and generous parents, I have been borrowing one of their vehicles Dad has a little run around car and the last two mornings it has not wanted to go, Mum and I have even pushed the thing but no. Yet it will go for Dad when he takes it at 4am but I not at 6:40am. So the last two days Mum has dropped me off, yesterday at about 9am she dropped the keys to her car off at work for me to pick Alexander up from school and then get Laura from dance. Now somewhere in there I mis-heard the instructions of where she had parked it. So come time to get the car I don't see it and walk around looking for it, but didn't see it. Thinking someones taken or I have got the directions wrong and hoping its the later and that I see it soon on my walk around and feeling gutted that its not there. So Alexander and I walked home. The bonus is we both got some exercise and quality time together but not so good thing was it was a tad cold! Not raining though, or hailing or snowing, as Alexander and I looked at the up side of things. I really didn't feel like walking normally I don't mind, must've been tired. Anyway got home and tried Dads car and of course it went first pop. So after we went and got Laura we headed towards where I thought it was and guess what we saw, Mum's car on the main road. I can't believe I missed it. I was looking down a street but she had said its near that street. Relief that the car was there, annoyed that I didn't see it.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Well Justin arrived home on Thursday night from Auckland where he was training for his new job. He started on Friday so had to get back into the swing on being up in the morning and out the door on time. I ended up having Alexander home as his head was still sore, I also took him to the doctor to get checked out since he has been having far to many sore heads lately, but the doctor couldn't seem to find anything wrong other than a tight neck which may be causing it. So Alexander has some neck stretches to do.
Saturday Alexander had soccer and well we had the normal getting ready drama beforehand, but once we got there it was all good. They played another Burwood team, which had some old kindy friends of Alexanders in it. It was a nil all draw which was quite good since last year they beat us by a bit.
Then we headed out to Rolleston to see how our new house is coming along, after going to Justin's Mum and Dad's for lunch. The house looks different with the framing up, they don't have the roof part on, just the walls but it was quite cool to stand in our bedrooms and look out where the window will be, good to see some progress at last even if it is only a little. Laura and Alexander stayed at Grandmas the night so she can take Laura birthday shopping today. That will be interesting to see what she picks.
Well have to go as I start work at 10. Have a good day it looks like it will be quite nice out there today.
Saturday Alexander had soccer and well we had the normal getting ready drama beforehand, but once we got there it was all good. They played another Burwood team, which had some old kindy friends of Alexanders in it. It was a nil all draw which was quite good since last year they beat us by a bit.
Then we headed out to Rolleston to see how our new house is coming along, after going to Justin's Mum and Dad's for lunch. The house looks different with the framing up, they don't have the roof part on, just the walls but it was quite cool to stand in our bedrooms and look out where the window will be, good to see some progress at last even if it is only a little. Laura and Alexander stayed at Grandmas the night so she can take Laura birthday shopping today. That will be interesting to see what she picks.
Well have to go as I start work at 10. Have a good day it looks like it will be quite nice out there today.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
ahh you wouldn't believe what I did, I went into the wrong page and was wondering why my blog wasn't showing up and was just about to create another one when I realised what I'd done. How silly is that, please don't answer that.
Anyway, here's my second attempt at blogging.
Well I signed up for a scrapbooking chanllenge and mangaged to get my entry in on time and was reasonably happy with my layout. I don't love it or anything but it was ok, not now after seeing all the wonderful entries that were submitted. I'm not really sure why I signed up for it really I guess to get some scrapping done. Boy there are some talented people out there. I wish I could make layouts that look like some of them. Oh well as I say to the kids it just takes practice! although some people just have that natural abilitly don't they?
Anyway, here's my second attempt at blogging.
Well I signed up for a scrapbooking chanllenge and mangaged to get my entry in on time and was reasonably happy with my layout. I don't love it or anything but it was ok, not now after seeing all the wonderful entries that were submitted. I'm not really sure why I signed up for it really I guess to get some scrapping done. Boy there are some talented people out there. I wish I could make layouts that look like some of them. Oh well as I say to the kids it just takes practice! although some people just have that natural abilitly don't they?
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Oh my, I am, sorry, have created a blog. Since I reguraly visit a few and Megan did suggest I create one a wee while ago I am finally giving it ago. The only problem is unlike all the blogs I visit I am not a talented scrapper so not to sure what to blog about. Hence the title "ramblings".
I am hoping that it will be a good source for me when I come to do journalling on my pages if I write about everyday happenings that is.
I am hoping that it will be a good source for me when I come to do journalling on my pages if I write about everyday happenings that is.
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