Thursday, February 28, 2008
I hope you have a fantastic day, sorry I can't be there. I have sent a card and small gift but of course it won't get there until way after your birthday.
So I haven't really got a lot to tell you all as not really a lot has been happening.
Laura's dance is going fine, she missed a couple of the first classes due to not being organised and being able to find the place.
Justin was away for 3 days this week so the kids have been staying the nights at grandmas as I have work in the morning.
Alexander is fine, I think, he doesn't really say alot. He did get upset the other night at grandmas but I think he was just tired as by the sounds of it he had been up late again.
Our to be neighbours (friends of Justin's) stayed for tea on Saturday and watched a movie with us. It was nice to have people over. I want to have a house warming but Justin doesn't seem that keen and it sounds like our neighbours will have one before us, she did say to me ages ago to wait until they moved in so we have and she said we are better to organise it ourselves but that was about as far as we got. I don't know who to invite, whether to have it as an afternoon tea thing or a evening bbq. So it will probably be like our engagement party, never happen.
I got some quotes for prices to take the kids to the gold coast in July. Holy cow, its not cheap is it. Justin hasn't looked at them yet but he doesn't even sound keen. we should just chip away at our mortgage was one of his comments. It is kinda of role reversal as I am normal the one who doesn't want to spend any money!
I did try and scrapbook the other week and finally managed to finish my page i started a wee while ago. My desk is just not big enough though, so I am using that as an excuse at the moment!
Other than that not a whole lot of exciting stuff happening here, how about you? What have you been up to, feel free to leave a comment.
Take care all
Thursday, February 14, 2008
- Justin had his birthday which I splashed out and brought him a ipod nano (which turned out to be faulty) We made him wait all day and gave him some fake presents in the morning, like a bottle of coke, and his computer chair wrapped in ribbon. I think he is pretty happy with it, he didn't exactly show that much emotion considering he should know how much of a big thing it was for me to spend that much.
- We brought some trees for our garden and planted them, quite amazing how it makes it look different with a few plants.
- Laura has had dance this week and it has been stressing me out and she wants to do it competivitley but that means three classes and lots of $$$ but its not so much that it is more the fact that it is all the way in town! They do have a sister that teaches in dunsandel but getting the information for that is hopeless. she was suppose to email last night but still hasn't the class is tonight!
- Justin and I went out with a another couple last night for tea for Valentines Day (really just an excuse to go out) we went to Lone Star at church corner. It was okay, I struggled thru my meal but ate most of it.
- the rest of the week I was working.
That pretty much sums up my week. How about you? I have added Allyson Bright Meyer to the blogs I visit side bar she is running a some great competitons at the moment. I haven't done any scrapping for ages, I have a few ideas for some pages I want to do or actually more about what I want to say on them just not sure how to do them and really just haven't been in the mood or had the energy. well thats all from me
Thursday, February 7, 2008

This is the children in their new uniforms just before I took them to their new school on Monday. It was exciting and nervous time for all of us I think. Laura felt a little weird as the school has just brought in a new uniform and of course only a few were wearing it so everyone kinda kept looking at her. alexander's isn't that much different to the current one really so it wasn't so bad for him. Laura knew one girl in her class that use to go to the same dance group as she did so that was nice. alexander was buddied up with a boy, not to sure how that went as when I got home and asked how it all went and if he played with him at lunch it was a no. Both responed to 'how was your day?', with a "good" and that was it!!! I bascially had to interogate them to get any information. Then when Justin asked them the exact same thing they said 'good' again. Obviously didn't learn the first time.
What else has been happening well I had a job interview the other week which was fantastic and I didn't think I was really bothered if I didn't get it or not you know the whole change and comfort thing but when she rang on Friday to say no, I was a little disappointed but I knew why as I didn't have enough experience in that industry and she bascially said the other two had more experience.(there were two vacanices) It would have been a great opportunity and I kinda the whole timing thing was perfect but I guess not. I should be grateful I got an interview. Out of 43 they interviewed 16.
Work has been work, I am hoping to change my role and hours so instead of being a saleperson I will be a merchandiser. I am hoping it will give me more time at home, and means I it will be more convenient. I am having the whole working and being a Mum issue at the moment. I just feel like I am never here really, not that the kids seem to mind all they are interested in is the TV or computer!
Well that is all I have a whole list of things to do before I head to work and I have only done 2 of them, including this one. Hope all is well, would love to hear from you all.