So much for regular updates, huh? Well my excuse is we have had Internet connection problems as in it takes forever to do anything, it was so frustrating that I just couldn't be bothered going on the computer. it is all fixed now hopefully! I haven't been doing so well on my photo a day either, I always remember once i am tucked up in bed,it is hard to take different photos each day as well but I am going to continue to try and went to take one tonight but the camera needs charging.
Have had a busy weekend which was nice for a change. A family reunion that happens at this time every year from my dad's side of the family. I don't really know any of them that well except one family as they are around my age and have kids. It was nice to see them, the kids had all grown heaps, we haven't been for a couple of years so there was even some new children!!!
then I had a bus trip with work which had a theme and I wasn't really sure I was going until the day before so my outfit was very last minute (dressing up was not compulsory) but not bad and we all had a good night. Mine was ruined by a grumpy bouncer who refused me entry and destroyed my drivers license even more than it was. He was just really rude and hey I am 32 for god's sake. He wouldn't even let me show him other ID, not that I had any but that's beside the point. The 18 year old got in no problem. yes other bouncers checked my ID and I was flattered as they handed it back to me and let me thru but this guy was just plain rude and I understand he was doing his job but there is no need to have such a bad attitude. Other than that it was a good night, with a few drinks and lots of dancing!!
If you are reading this Shelley tell Colin I was thinking of him on his birthday and hope he had a great day and no I didn't forget him!!!
well I am off to get some ZZ's just thought I should give you all a little update. take care hope you are all well and to hear from you soon!!!!