Two lovely days in a row and I get to see them. Laura is home sick again today.I at least get to see the nice weather, when I am at work I have no idea what the weather is doing unless the customers tell you or until you finish and lately the weather has changed by the afternoon. I ate lunch outside at my cool new table and chairs and we had bbq hamburgers for tea last night and used our table again. I love summer!!!
Hey all you cool bloggers out there how do I make cool headers like you all have on your pages with photos of either your family or cool stuff you have made?? I would love to update mine just not sure how.
House progress, we rang Justin's parents last night to see if they had finally finished the bricks and yes they had so that is good news as it was holding everything else up. They had appearntly started the gibbing the ceiling too. I heard Justin telling someone on the phone that they are hoping we will be able to move in on December 21st if all goes well. Justin doesn't want to get his hopes up so isn't saying we will be for sure but all I can say is we better be able to!!!! I will not be happy if we aren't able to move until next year!
On Saturday I got my hair cut and I got abit more than my normal trim, I got Amelia to bring her hair straightners over on Saturday night but it still didn't look that great, although it took forever to straighten, we told Justin it wouldn't take so long with decent straighteners!! I am still not sure I like it yet, and I don't have straighteners and not sure I can be bothered doing that all the time. Mum and Dad said it looks fine and it makes me look younger. That is all good but it doesn't make me like any more. Laura commented that it looks darker and I think that is because my blond bits at the side were cut. It will grow back I guess.
Okay so that is all for today, talk to you later.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
The house is coming along nicely now, we went out last weekend and were there all day, it was fine although a little windy but I think it was like that in town too. Justin and his two friends helped him do all the wiring for the home theatre/ computers. I really don't know what exactly all I do know is that when we left on Saturday our house had a rainbow of wires inside it and that is cost more than I want to know about!(but cheaper that they did it themselves)
The bricks had been started they were up to out bedroom at the back of the house. The kids got a bit bored out there all day but I was busy reading as Laura has the last Harry Potter book out from the library and since she is reading it herself this time I have to read it myself and was trying to finish it, so I was quite engrossed in that. I did take them for a walk to the park or they took me as I didn't know where it was, they wanted to take the car but I refused and it wasn't that far away as we had driven around that way when we went to the supermarket for lunch and took the wrong turn so we didn't actually pass the park on the way. It was lovely sitting in the sun and no banging around. A little boy came to the park and he had this quite cool toy, it was like a foam rocket and you attach it to a spike which has a hose connected to it and that is connected to another piece which you jump on and of course the foam dart flies up. I saw him do it first and it nearly landed in a tree so he moved it over more and that is when Alexander saw it and he goes to me hey did you see that? It was quite funny because he stood there for about 5 minutes watching the other little boy play with it, you could see he was dying to go and have a go too, and the little boy kept moving closer to where Alexander was as well. Eventually Alexander ran and picked up the dart and put it back on for him a few times and then they started talking and eventually Alexander got to have a go. It was so cute to watch though. The other little boy just lived across the road and was only 6 but Alexander didn't manage to get a name when they where talking!! Funny.
i miss moments like that, as sometimes I feel like I hardly see the kids anymore, I do but what with working and them growing up and not wanting to hang out with Mum as much, as the computer is way more fun, it just seems like it sometimes.
Okay what else? Oh the Justin's Mum rang to say the batts are in the house and they hung some internal doors as well, so I rang the interior designer to see what colour the walls are being painted, so we are meeting with her on Saturday morning at 9am, so no sleep in then either. We have our dinner this weekend and this months theme is ......English or UK I'm not sure exactly but I got a London food book out and it is all pretty easy I am doing trifle for pudding not sure what for the main, I think I will ring Amelia and see what she is doing first. I also need to go and make my Dad a birthday card so I had better go and do that, I think I might use my new stamp I got from Senz. Oh and I need to check on two other birthdays and hopefully I havent' missed them. Okay well hope everyone is well, love to hear from you and if your still reading this, extra points for you!!!!LOL
The bricks had been started they were up to out bedroom at the back of the house. The kids got a bit bored out there all day but I was busy reading as Laura has the last Harry Potter book out from the library and since she is reading it herself this time I have to read it myself and was trying to finish it, so I was quite engrossed in that. I did take them for a walk to the park or they took me as I didn't know where it was, they wanted to take the car but I refused and it wasn't that far away as we had driven around that way when we went to the supermarket for lunch and took the wrong turn so we didn't actually pass the park on the way. It was lovely sitting in the sun and no banging around. A little boy came to the park and he had this quite cool toy, it was like a foam rocket and you attach it to a spike which has a hose connected to it and that is connected to another piece which you jump on and of course the foam dart flies up. I saw him do it first and it nearly landed in a tree so he moved it over more and that is when Alexander saw it and he goes to me hey did you see that? It was quite funny because he stood there for about 5 minutes watching the other little boy play with it, you could see he was dying to go and have a go too, and the little boy kept moving closer to where Alexander was as well. Eventually Alexander ran and picked up the dart and put it back on for him a few times and then they started talking and eventually Alexander got to have a go. It was so cute to watch though. The other little boy just lived across the road and was only 6 but Alexander didn't manage to get a name when they where talking!! Funny.
i miss moments like that, as sometimes I feel like I hardly see the kids anymore, I do but what with working and them growing up and not wanting to hang out with Mum as much, as the computer is way more fun, it just seems like it sometimes.
Okay what else? Oh the Justin's Mum rang to say the batts are in the house and they hung some internal doors as well, so I rang the interior designer to see what colour the walls are being painted, so we are meeting with her on Saturday morning at 9am, so no sleep in then either. We have our dinner this weekend and this months theme is ......English or UK I'm not sure exactly but I got a London food book out and it is all pretty easy I am doing trifle for pudding not sure what for the main, I think I will ring Amelia and see what she is doing first. I also need to go and make my Dad a birthday card so I had better go and do that, I think I might use my new stamp I got from Senz. Oh and I need to check on two other birthdays and hopefully I havent' missed them. Okay well hope everyone is well, love to hear from you and if your still reading this, extra points for you!!!!LOL
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Okay well I have had it a week now, so let me tell you all that on Tuesday night we were heading out to Rolleston to see where the electrican was putting all the power points and Justin stopped to look at a car yard that he'd seen a car at but they had sold that particular one but had another which we ended up taking for a test drive, not a very big drive as it was pretty much on empty. So we get back and Justin says what do you think?? I'm like I don't know as he's the one been looking at them all so he should know if its a good deal or not. So he decides that yes we'll take it, hey if its not right just sell it!! I'm like oh my goodness I can't believe we're just going to buy another car. I know we need one and have been looking but it just seemed so sudden. the kids and I sat in the car while Justin did all the paper work. we arranged to pick it up on Thursday morning since I don't start work till 12. so we head along on thursday and turns out we are a tad early as Justin forgot he said 9:30 not 9. It is now all registered and ours or mine!!! so I am now the proud owner of a Toyota Starlet 1989 automatic. Okay it won't let me upload a photo at the moment, so you will have to wait.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
lets see, what's been happening? been busy at work, with pallets and pallets of toys to get out and then last Thursday they had a big four day sale so no time to get any toys out! I did manage to get a outdoor table for cheap as it had been returned as it has a small crack in the corner and a few scratches on it. i rang good old dad and he came down and picked it up. we did all stand there for about 5 minutes deciding how to get it on the trailer as it is slightly bigger than the trailer but we figured it out and it arrived home in one piece.( it has a glass top so I was a little worried) So I was pretty happy.
The weekend was okay, didn't really do much, had a look at a few more cars, tried to get Laura some new t shirts and shorts but she didn't like anything and really wasn't in the mood. Oh and on Friday I booked in for two classes at Senz - the stamping and scrap booking expo that is here on the weekend. I am doing a photography course and recipe book one. hopefully they will be good, they better it's not exactly cheap and I have to pay to get in to look at all the stalls as well. Unfortunately the classes aren't on the same day either. Oh well its not like I get to go to any of the other cool scrapping events this year. I asked Justin and he said just do it and Laura chipped in its just money!! LOL
The quarter finals of the rugby world cup were on, and lets just say the All Blacks and the rest of New Zealand are gutted at the loss. Enough said on that matter.
Well just thought I would give you a quick update, tune in tomorrow for some more news!!!!
The weekend was okay, didn't really do much, had a look at a few more cars, tried to get Laura some new t shirts and shorts but she didn't like anything and really wasn't in the mood. Oh and on Friday I booked in for two classes at Senz - the stamping and scrap booking expo that is here on the weekend. I am doing a photography course and recipe book one. hopefully they will be good, they better it's not exactly cheap and I have to pay to get in to look at all the stalls as well. Unfortunately the classes aren't on the same day either. Oh well its not like I get to go to any of the other cool scrapping events this year. I asked Justin and he said just do it and Laura chipped in its just money!! LOL
The quarter finals of the rugby world cup were on, and lets just say the All Blacks and the rest of New Zealand are gutted at the loss. Enough said on that matter.
Well just thought I would give you a quick update, tune in tomorrow for some more news!!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007

this is the cake my cousin made for her Mum's birthday, she is just so talented. That is just one of the many things she can do, she is not only a fantastic cake decorator, she bakes, she sews, she paints, she scrapbooks, takes great photos, her kids always look wonderful, she can speak another language, she decorates her house just beautifully, you name it she can do it. Everyone admires her talent and I am sure she gets sick of having such high expectations set on her but she is a perfectionist so maybe not but just thought I would tell the world how wonderful my cousin Amelia really is. so that is my little tribute to you. (not that she will read this as I haven't told her about my blog yet!!!)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Here are some more photos of the house. Took these on Saturday morning when we went out to have a look. It seems quite dark inside now. we got our windows with a tint so it blocks abit of light as well.I'm sure once we get lighting and it all finished it will be different again. Feels good to see some progress, it is such a long process when building a new house!! They still reckon we are on track to be in before Christmas. For those that asked it is a four bedroom house although the fourth will be used as a computer/hobby room. If we get any guests well we don't really but if we do I think it'll be easier just to put the kids in the same room!! They are so looking forward to having there own rooms again, especially Laura.
Had my Aunty Marie's 60th birthday on Saturday night, I took my new camera and took a heap of photos. I will have to upload one of the cake Amelia made, I will do that tomorrow. We are going to take Alexander out to Grandma's tonight as he has no holiday programme tomorrow. I will be glad when school goes back, less hassle for me. The kids are enjoying there programmes, who wouldn't Laura has been ten-pin bowling, hydro sliding and hip-hop(aerobics according to Laura) and tomorrow is off mini golfing. Her programme is better than Alexander's he has been to the movies, gymnastics, games, art, museum, more games, swimming and on Friday he is off to willow bank (animal park). beats staying at home with Mum doing nothing, or going to work!! I do miss spending time with them though. Hopefully I will get some time off in January. Okay I have rambled enough today. Take care
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